Three of the Top FPGA Dev Boards for New Designers
Fancy dipping your toe into the waters of FPGAs? Maybe a well-supported low-cost development board is what you need (especially if your letter-to-Santa is looking light on ideas).
Three of the Top FPGA Dev Boards for New Designers by (sourced and republished from RSS feeds)
I’ll tail-end this one by noting that Digilent dev boards have come up recently at work as a low-cost way of implementing some special test equipment. When I browsed around the site I was impressed at the budget pricing and the ecosystem of Pmod peripheral modules enabling you to choose what I/O you want to play with, select the right encoders, displays, ADCs and so on… links in the referenced article above might be a little old but at this time (December 2019) the Spartan-7 ($99) and Basys 3 Artix-7 ($149) might be fun to play with. Don’t forget to pick up the Pmod modules to match your application.
(Feb 2020 edit) And further to the above, if you want to go open source, how about the iCEBreaker FPGA board ($69) over on Crowd Supply that uses an open-source toolchain and is Pmod compatible.