G8ACE – 122 GHz testing by GHz Europe
https://ghz-europe.com/2020/01/07/g8ace-122-ghz-testing/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds)
John G8ACE published on YouTube two videos of testing his 122GHz transverters.
122 GHz Receiver test over a distance of 17.5 Km C/N is 25db Transmitter located in Winchester power 3mW to a 30cm cassegrain dish. Receiver shown in the video also with 30cm cassegrain dish3mW Tx power to a 30 cm cassegrain dish. Rx also with 30cm cassegrain dish using an anti parallel diode mixer with HP9161 beam lead diodes fitted to a home brew pcb layout. C/N 25db shown on HDSDR display.