Revised LZ1AQ Amplifier PCB Up and Running
Revised LZ1AQ Amplifier PCB Up and Running by John VE6EY (sourced and republished from RSS feeds)
Shortly after Christmas, I finally got around to building and mounting my revised LZ1AQ amplifier for a wideband loop. My previous PCB design contained less features and required an outboard cable connection.
When I designed a new PCB using PCBGoGo last fall, I made several modifications.
First, I added a shielded RJ45 jack to the PCB, shown lower center above. I purchased a bunch of these 8P8C connectors on e-bay for about 60ยข each. The only downside was that I needed to design a custom footprint in KiCAD, but that was pretty easy. I use one pair for power and a second for signal…
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