Hackaday: Automate Your Life with Node-RED (Plus a Dash of MQTT)
Ah! Node-RED and MQTT! Two things I love to use to automate and tie things together around the shack at G7UHN… Node-RED is a relatively simple graphical way of tying together events and MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol that is easily deployed across IP networks. As a simple example, I use an MQTT app on my phone as a control panel to fire out MQTT messages. These MQTT messages are then picked up by the MQTT broker in my house and are seen by Node-Red instances running on various devices (Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black) that trigger various radio functions around the place. It really simplifies making control panels, keeping track of device names/addresses and when you’ve lost count of the number of small computers you have running around the place this was
Anyway, you can use these great tools for much more and they’re a great way to create simple (or complex) control systems… Hackaday knows it and has written a nice article, Automate Your Life with Node-RED (Plus a Dash of MQTT)
Read the Hackaday article here!