24 GHz Moonbounce from Portugal
How about this for inspiration… Miguel CT1BYM announces his first 24 GHz moonbounce QSO. Nice!
by admin · April 7, 2020
How about this for inspiration… Miguel CT1BYM announces his first 24 GHz moonbounce QSO. Nice!
Just done!! 1st #24GHz Moon Bounce contact from Portugal !!! Lots of work and time envolved, all efforts are paying off… Be bold and believe its possible… Special thanks to @EB3FRN and @EA3HMJ for all the help! #GHz_bands #24GHz #EME pic.twitter.com/wfs3bGEFAd
— Miguel CT1BYM (@BymCt1) March 7, 2020
Tags: 24 GHzactivityEMEGHzmoonbounce