Category: admin

SigDigger for signal analysis

Over on Twitter, @radiotech76 has pointed us at a great video where DragonOS creator Aaron is exploring SigDigger for some signal analysis.  SigDigger has also been featured on the RTL-SDR Blog as a useful...

Low-cost DSP-based Amateur Radio Receiver

Not a product endorsement, but certainly an interesting design… have a look over at Tindie for a small HF receiver that microwavemont has built from an Si4735 DSP chip.  It’s got a small OLED...

Open-toolchain FPGA articles ahoy!

Over on Twitter, Kate Temkin is alerting us to her new blog series on open-toolchain FPGA boards.  If you’re baffled by the plethora of FPGA options available (and why should you be interested in...

UK Microwave Round-Table Videos

Cardiff University ARS have kindly posted videos of the March 2020 UK Microwave Round-Table up on YouTube.  Content covering HD TV, Mesh Networking, Software Defined Radio, GNU Radio, and RF Power Amplifier theory and...

L-band Helix Antenna Matching

Quick post… If you’re interested in making helix antennas, Sam on Twitter has posted some nice detail on improving the impedance match of his L-band build.  Check it out:

HamSCI 2020 online workshop agenda

The HamSCI 2020 Workshop has now been re-organised as an online event. The agenda appears to have been finalised with timings but bear in mind the very fast turnaround by the organisers and speakers...