Category: RSS republish

What Does An Electronics Tinkerer’s Workbench Need?

What Does An Electronics Tinkerer’s Workbench Need? by Erin Pinheiro (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Ever been in a situation where you’re not sure where to begin building your own electronics workbench...

RSGB Spectrum Forum annual meeting materials

RSGB Spectrum Forum annual meeting materials by rsgb (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) The reports, presentations and minutes from the recent 2019 RSGB Spectrum Forum annual meeting are now available. The material...

Microwave link budget calculation

Microwave link budget calculation by GHz Europe (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Gerald OE2IGL made a great tool for calculation of microwave links up to 350 GHz with the included calculation of...

EA3HMJ – Web of the Week

EA3HMJ – Web of the Week by GHz Europe (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Really big and nice Blog from Jose EA3HMJ! In a few words isn’t possible to describe what you...

Calling Radio Amateurs: Help Find OPS-SAT!

Calling Radio Amateurs: Help Find OPS-SAT! by m5aka (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Decoding OPS-SAT’s beacon ESA is challenging anyone with amateur radio equipment to catch the first signals from OPS-SAT, ESA’s...