Category: Twitter

Reverse-engineering a simple RF protocol

Over on Twitter, check out this great thread where Kate Temkin takes us step by step through reverse-engineering an RF protocol used in controlling an everyday home object… source

Kimera transmits video over gnuradio

Over on Twitter, Luigi Cruz has shared details of his Kimera project that can capture any video source (device or application window), encode and pass to gnuradio for transmission.  A great tool for anyone...

PTT mod for PlutoSDR

Over on Twitter, Arved M0KDS has posted a nice pic of his PTT-modified PlutoSDR.  If you’re looking for a PTT modification for yours, check out the neat BATC PTT relay PCB (and there are...

SigDigger for signal analysis

Over on Twitter, @radiotech76 has pointed us at a great video where DragonOS creator Aaron is exploring SigDigger for some signal analysis.  SigDigger has also been featured on the RTL-SDR Blog as a useful...

Open-toolchain FPGA articles ahoy!

Over on Twitter, Kate Temkin is alerting us to her new blog series on open-toolchain FPGA boards.  If you’re baffled by the plethora of FPGA options available (and why should you be interested in...

L-band Helix Antenna Matching

Quick post… If you’re interested in making helix antennas, Sam on Twitter has posted some nice detail on improving the impedance match of his L-band build.  Check it out:

We now have Twitter!

Signal Lounge is now up on Twitter! Follow us @SignalLounge The aim on Twitter will be to tweet new projects, Help Wanted! ads and interesting stuff so you can stay informed in your Twitter...