Welcome to Signal Lounge!

Welcome to Signal Lounge where you’ll find resources, projects and inspiration for amateur wireless engineers.

Want to up your game and learn some new skills? Head over to Resources where you’ll find tools, tutorials and links out to reference sites that will expand your horizons…

Interested in finding some like-minded folk to collaborate with? Check out featured Projects and Help Wanted where you’ll find projects looking for people like you to get involved…

Looking for some inspiration for your next wireless project? Browse the news articles below and the rest of the site for some ideas…

UK Microwave Round-Table Videos

Cardiff University ARS have kindly posted videos of the March 2020 UK Microwave Round-Table up on YouTube.  Content covering HD TV, Mesh Networking, Software Defined Radio, GNU Radio, and RF […]

L-band Helix Antenna Matching

Quick post… If you’re interested in making helix antennas, Sam on Twitter has posted some nice detail on improving the impedance match of his L-band build.  Check it out:


What is HamSCI? HamSCI, the Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation, is a platform for the publicity and promotion of projects that are consistent with the following objectives: Advance scientific research […]

We now have Twitter!

Signal Lounge is now up on Twitter! Follow us @SignalLounge The aim on Twitter will be to tweet new projects, Help Wanted! ads and interesting stuff so you can stay […]