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Welcome to Signal Lounge where you’ll find resources, projects and inspiration for amateur wireless engineers.

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Heelweg Microwave meeting 2020

Heelweg Microwave meeting 2020 by GHz Europe https://ghz-europe.com/2020/01/17/heelweg-microwave-meeting-2020/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Timelapse and gallery from Heelweg Microwave meeting. Enjoy! Source: http://www.pamicrowaves.nl/website/ The post Heelweg Microwave meeting 2020 […]

Pluto-SDR PTT switching

Thinking about using your ADALM-Pluto SDR for use with the QO-100 geostationary satellite?  Or maybe you’ve got other plans but need to arrange some GPIO-driven PTT switching?  Some ideas to […]

P4XT Digital Multiplexing Transponder

Part of the AMSAT Phase 4 efforts to produce amateur-developed systems suitable for Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) deployment is the extremely interesting P4XT Digital Multiplexing Transponder project.  The project scope […]

LimeSDR Mini Introductory Video

Over on YouTube, TechCrunch has put together a nice 8 minute video introducing the LimeSDR Mini and it also walks us through a little bit of SDR Console and sdrangel […]

SDR Makerspace 2019 Conference Slides

Pointed out over on Twitter, back in November 2019 the SDR Makerspace Conference was held in Switzerland as a joint initiative between ESA and the Libre Space foundation. Some of […]