ON4DPX “Prototyping sunday, made a X band bandpass filter…”
Great example of homebrew RF engineering here on Twitter:
Great example of homebrew RF engineering here on Twitter:
First CTEA EME QSO on 10GHz by GHz Europe https://ghz-europe.com/2020/01/14/first-ctea-eme-qso-on-10ghz/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Miguel CT1BYM, Jose EA3HMJ and Iban EB3FRN made yesterday an EME sked on 10GHz. First QSO between CT...
Increasing L-Band Active Patch SNR by using it as a Feed for a Satellite Dish by RTL-SDR Blog https://www.rtl-sdr.com/increasing-l-band-active-patch-snr-by-using-it-as-a-feed-for-a-satellite-dish/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Recently RTL-SDR.COM reader Bert has been experimenting with our...
Heelweg Microwave meeting 2020 by GHz Europe https://ghz-europe.com/2020/01/17/heelweg-microwave-meeting-2020/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Timelapse and gallery from Heelweg Microwave meeting. Enjoy! Source: http://www.pamicrowaves.nl/website/ The post Heelweg Microwave meeting 2020 appeared first on GHz...
Part of the AMSAT Phase 4 efforts to produce amateur-developed systems suitable for Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) deployment is the extremely interesting P4XT Digital Multiplexing Transponder project. The project scope also includes development of...
The UK Microwave Group (UKuG) have a project going to create a full SDR microwave transceiver system aimed at getting people started on the GHz bands. The aim is to start with the affordable...
The UK Microwave Group (UKuG) is developing its wiki pages to be a resource for the microwave community, check it out over at UK Microwave Group Wiki. So far content includes some useful links and...
Interested in modelling what’s going on through RF microstrips and microwave antennas? Maybe it’s time to try your hand at some electromagnetic modelling and do something with all the maths you learned as an...
G8ACE – 122 GHz testing by GHz Europe https://ghz-europe.com/2020/01/07/g8ace-122-ghz-testing/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) John G8ACE published on YouTube two videos of testing his 122GHz transverters. 122 GHz Receiver test over a distance...
122GHz transverter receive bench tests by GHz Europe https://ghz-europe.com/2020/01/03/122ghz-transverter-receive-bench-tests/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Tim VK2XAX uploaded two interesting videos of the receiving test of VK3CV 122GHz transverter. VK3CV 122GHz transverter CW receive...