Tagged: microwave

Tensorbundle – interesting website

Tensorbundle – interesting website by GHz Europe https://ghz-europe.com/2019/12/17/tensorbundle-interesting-website/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Tensorbundle isn’t a hamradio webpage but is interesting for any microwavers. The founder of this webpages is Nazmul Hasan, electrical...

Microwave link budget calculation

Microwave link budget calculation by GHz Europe https://ghz-europe.com/2019/12/09/microwave-link-budget-calculation/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Gerald OE2IGL made a great tool for calculation of microwave links up to 350 GHz with the included calculation of...

EA3HMJ – Web of the Week

EA3HMJ – Web of the Week by GHz Europe https://ghz-europe.com/2019/12/11/ea3hmj-web-of-the-week/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Really big and nice Blog from Jose EA3HMJ! In a few words isn’t possible to describe what you...

122 GHz project

Feel the need to climb up the GHz bands beyond the maddening hordes?  Here’s a link to the 122 GHz Project groups.io discussion… https://groups.io/g/UKMicrowaves/topic/122_ghz_project/34539506?p=,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,34539506