Tagged: SDR

The TangerineSDR Project

Interested in Software-Defined Radio development?  TAPR are pursuing a project to develop low-cost SDR receiver hardware inspired by the needs of the HamSCI Project (citizen science through ham radio!).  In their words: The TangerineSDR...

LimeSDR Mini Introductory Video

Over on YouTube, TechCrunch has put together a nice 8 minute video introducing the LimeSDR Mini and it also walks us through a little bit of SDR Console and sdrangel software and the BATC...

SDR Makerspace 2019 Conference Slides

Pointed out over on Twitter, back in November 2019 the SDR Makerspace Conference was held in Switzerland as a joint initiative between ESA and the Libre Space foundation. Some of the slides from the...

Learning Electronics and SDR with Analog Devices

Did you know how about the wealth of learning resources hosted by Analog Devices? Technical Library A massive resource over at Analog Devices Inc, their technical library includes some excellent reading material from tutorials...

Receiving and Decoding NFC with an RTL-SDR and GNURadio

Receiving and Decoding NFC with an RTL-SDR and GNURadio by RTL-SDR.com https://www.rtl-sdr.com/receiving-and-decoding-nfc-with-an-rtl-sdr-and-gnuradio/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Having been inspired by an NFC activated coffee machine at his work, back in 2017 Jean...

LimeSDR Made Simple (article series)

MyriadRF have published an excellent series of articles taking you in depth through the popular and low-cost LimeSDR platform.  If you’ve got a LimeSDR varaint and need a boost on making it perform, check...