Tagged: tools

FPGA tools for all!

Over on Twitter, Drew Fustini is linking us up with more open source FPGA development tools, check out this bumper thread and make sure to scroll down to see the links showing how accessible...

Electromagnetic modelling with openEMS

Interested in modelling what’s going on through RF microstrips and microwave antennas? Maybe it’s time to try your hand at some electromagnetic modelling and do something with all the maths you learned as an...

Circuit Simulation Tools

Simulating circuit designs ahead of building them on the bench can be a great approach and allow you to modify and evaluate circuits quickly. One of the most well-known free circuit simulation software packages...

A Guide to the NanoVNA: Kindle eBook for $2.99

A Guide to the NanoVNA: Kindle eBook for $2.99 by RTL-SDR.com https://www.rtl-sdr.com/a-guide-to-the-nanovna-kindle-ebook-for-2-99/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) With the NanoVNA (and upcoming NanoVNA 2.0) being so affordable and readily available many budget focused...

ADF5355 – Signal generator up to 13.6Ghz

ADF5355 – Signal generator up to 13.6Ghz by GHz Europe https://ghz-europe.com/2020/01/05/adf5355-signal-generator-up-to-13-6ghz/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) On eBay, Amazon or some other website is possible to buy a development board with ADF5355 for...

NanoVNA 2.0 first photos

NanoVNA 2.0 first photos by GHz Europe https://ghz-europe.com/2020/01/04/nanovna-2-0-first-photos/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) First photos of the NanoVNA 2.0 prototype have been uploaded to the NanoVNA groups.io forum. We have already written about a...