CPLD Tutorial: Learn Programmable Logic The Easy Way | Hackaday
Looking for a place to start on CPLD programming? Have a look at Hackaday: CPLD Tutorial: Learn Programmable Logic The Easy Way | Hackaday by Home
Looking for a place to start on CPLD programming? Have a look at Hackaday: CPLD Tutorial: Learn Programmable Logic The Easy Way | Hackaday by Home
Wondering where to start with FPGAs? Maybe Hackaday has the answers: Learn FPGA Fast With Hackaday’s FPGA Boot Camp | Hackaday by https://hackaday.com/ Hackaday have also started compiling their various beginner FPGA articles on...
Looking for an alternative way of programming PICs and Arduinos? Tired of hacking out all that code as text and wish you had a more visual programming environment? Have a look at Flowcode here:...
Got a cheap AD9850 DDS module and looking for a way to control it? Andy Talbot G4JNT has done some of the hard work for you here: Controller for AD9850 DDS modules by http://www.g4jnt.com
Fancy dipping your toe into the waters of FPGAs? Maybe a well-supported low-cost development board is what you need (especially if your letter-to-Santa is looking light on ideas). Three of the Top FPGA Dev...
Looking for an audio codec operating at higher bit rates than Codec2? Have a look at Opus Codec which is working in the 6 kbps to 510 kbps range. It can scale from low...
Codec 2 – Rowetel Codec 2 is an open source speech codec designed for communications quality speech between 700 and 3200 bit/s. The main application is low bandwidth HF/VHF digital radio. It fills a...
A Modular System For Building Heavy Duty 18650 Battery Packs by Tom Nardi https://hackaday.com/2019/12/13/a-modular-system-for-building-heavy-duty-18650-battery-packs/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) With 18650 cells as cheap and plentiful as they are, you’d think building your...
What Does An Electronics Tinkerer’s Workbench Need? by Erin Pinheiro https://hackaday.com/2019/12/14/what-does-an-electronics-tinkerers-workbench-need/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Ever been in a situation where you’re not sure where to begin building your own electronics workbench...
Reprogramming a €15 USB Audio Dial to work as an SDR VFO Knob by RTL-SDR.com https://www.rtl-sdr.com/reprogramming-a-e15-usb-audio-dial-to-work-as-an-sdr-vfo-knob/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Thank you to Tysonpower (aka Manuel DO5TY) for submitting information about how...