Tagged: tools

Opus Codec

Looking for an audio codec operating at higher bit rates than Codec2? Have a look at Opus Codec which is working in the 6 kbps to 510 kbps range. It can scale from low...

Codec 2 – Rowetel

Codec 2 – Rowetel Codec 2 is an open source speech codec designed for communications quality speech between 700 and 3200 bit/s. The main application is low bandwidth HF/VHF digital radio. It fills a...

What Does An Electronics Tinkerer’s Workbench Need?

What Does An Electronics Tinkerer’s Workbench Need? by Erin Pinheiro https://hackaday.com/2019/12/14/what-does-an-electronics-tinkerers-workbench-need/ (sourced and republished from RSS feeds) Ever been in a situation where you’re not sure where to begin building your own electronics workbench...